Hip Carry
(4+ months, when babe has strong head and neck control through up to 35 pounds.)

1. Place ring sling rings over one shoulder with tail flat cross your back and under the opposite shoulder.

2. Bring tail across your body and through both rings together.

3. Then thread the fabric back over the top of the top ring and under the bottom ring creating a lock. Check the threading of the rings to make sure the fabric is not twisted as it passes over the top ring and under the bottom ring. When the fabric is positioned without bunching, tighten the slack.

4. Create a small pocket for babe.

5. Guide babe into the sling feet first, at hip level.

6. Allow babe to settle into a deep seat position while resting on the bunched sling.

7. Bring the top third of the sling up toward the nape of babe’s neck.

8. Bring the bottom third behind one knee, over to the other knee and up between you and babe to create their seat.

9. Bring any slack over to the rings and tighten through the top third of the tail towards babe’s neck.

10. Tighten the middle third of the tail towards babe’s back.

11. Tighten the bottom third towards babe’s bum.

12. That’s it! You’re done!